Mommy is More than a Title Change

It's amazing really, the things you say you'll never be able to do - and yet somehow you adapt.  I think this is especially true for all the mom's out there.  Am I right?

I don't know about you all, but before I got pregnant, I knew I would struggle to say goodbye to my glass of wine every now and then, and certainly my daily cappuccino.  I thought about how getting pregnant would ruin my social life, and I wouldn't be able to do all the fun things (tubing, skiing, roller coasters, running, really any moving in general, etc.)  And then, on December 25, 2016 (talk about a Christmas present!) I found out that we were expecting, and everything changed.

Giving up a glass of wine seemed like a small price to pay for the beautiful baby who would soon call me, "mom."  Coffee made me sick, but I was tired regardless of whether or not I had caffeine, so it made no difference anyway.  And all the fun things?  Let's be honest, I worked until 3 days after my due date.. so pregnancy didn't slow me down!  I had to modify life in some ways, but again, a small price to pay for the adventure that lay before us.  I learned to adapt, because I had to, and because life is too short to be boring!

And I don't know about you all, but let's just talk briefly about the hospital experience.  There were so many things I said I would or wouldn't do, but all those things fly right out the window when you're having a baby.  There were at least 10 people in the room when I was delivering Rosie: students, midwives, nurses, my husband, and people I couldn't tell you what their role was.

At that moment, modesty means nothing - to them or to you.  And over the next 48 hours, I couldn't tell you how many people came to check my stitches, helped me learn to nurse, or aided me in going to the restroom. 

Side Note: I honestly could not have survived without my sweet husband.  He helped me out of bed every time I needed to hobble to the restroom, and then helped me with things no one should ever have to help with - but we adapt, right?  You do what you have to for the sake of your baby.

And then, you think everything will go back to normal after you have a baby (well except for the fact that you now have to keep a human alive. )  But it doesn't work like that. For example, I LOVE everything dairy - cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, bread, cookies, cake, cheese, butter, cream cheese, chocolate, coffee creamer, did I mention cheese?  I always said I would NEVER be able to give it up.  But then I realized that something I was eating was making my daughter sick - and the role of "Mommy" changed my heart, and my actions once again.  I gave up all things dairy, and honestly, it really isn't that hard. I might complain about it from time to time, but it really isn't that bad.  Again, a small price to pay for the precious soul who will always call me "mommy."

As a mommy, you learn to function without sleep, caffeine, and adult interaction.  You learn to carry your baby while you're in the restroom, because how else do you use a public restroom when you're out grocery shopping?  You learn to nurse anywhere and everywhere, and you adapt to things you never thought you would need to.  Forgot a burp rag?  Your jacket will work fine.  Baby has a stuffy nose?  You suck her boogers out with a Nose Freida ( sounds disgusting, but really one of the greatest inventions known to man.) No changing station in the bathroom?  Your knees make a great substitute.  Forget about fixing your hair and putting on makeup, otherwise leaving the house takes two hours.  And let's be honest, when you have a baby with you, no one is worried about whether or not you're wearing makeup or have your hair fixed.  She's way cuter than you anyway!

Being a Mommy is more than just a change in title.  It is a change of heart.  A change of attitude.  A change in perspective.  What was "impossible" before, seems trivial now.  Those important daily tasks truly are meaningless when weighed on the new "Mommy Scale."  Should I clean my kitchen or cuddle my baby?  Baby cuddles always win! 

Special shout out to my Mommy.  Thank you for putting us first!  Thank you for teaching me what it means to be a mom.  Thank you for holding me when I cried, for training me, even when it was hard, and for loving me unconditionally.  And for all the other Mommies out there - you guys are amazing!  You are beautiful, you are valuable, you are precious.  Keep loving your babies well.  And remember, your life might be turned upside down as a mom, but you have changed for the better.  You are SO blessed!

 So if your morning was anything like mine (running late to work, spilling coffee all over myself, grumpy, tired,  house is a wreck, makeup applied in the car, forgot to pack lunch, praying that I have all the parts to my pump...) my hope for you is that you would embrace the beautiful mess of Motherhood.  Learn to laugh at yourself, coffee stains and all.  Don't be afraid to ask for help. And please don't try to convince everyone around you that you have it all together.  Maybe today is a great day for you, and that's awesome!  But not every day will be perfect, and that's okay.  Being a Mommy is an adventure, but it is a joyous one.  Embrace the moments!  Even the snotty, pukey, coffee stained ones.  You are blessed.

- Kailey

Photographs compliments of the talented Jodi Galloway!


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