34 Weeks Down - A Lifetime to Go

I woke up to my alarm this morning, just like every other Thursday morning.  However, this morning was different.  After rubbing the sleep from my eyes I did a double take... 

There is a bassinet in MY bedroom!  I was hit with the realization that sometime in the next 6 weeks we will be meeting our baby girl. I'm going to be a MOM.  My husband won't just be my husband anymore, but will be our daughter's DAD.  How is this possible?  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was 6 years old, running barefoot through the woods, without a care in the world?  How can it be that we are about to bring life into the world, and then have the responsibility of caring for her for the rest of our lives?

The contradicting emotions I've experienced over the course of this pregnancy has been overwhelming.  Everyone warns you about pregnancy hormones, cravings and mood swings, but the emotions a woman feels as she prepares for motherhood goes so much deeper.  To say I am terrified would be an understatement - but I am also beyond excited to meet our sweet girl.  Will she have my blonde hair?  Will she have my husband's blue eyes?  Will she have my temper? Or his patience? 

Though the unknown is terrifying, and change is hard, there is one thing I know for sure:  this sweet little girl is loved.  She has already been a blessing that has drawn our small family closer.  I know her presence in our lives will continue to produce challenges we haven't had to face before, but I also know that the Lord will guide us through these challenges.  I know with certainty that she was given to us "for such a time as this."  I know that the Lord has plans for her life, and I pray that we will be able to help shape her into the woman that He desires her to be. 

Life is crazy.  Change is scary.  God is good.  

"Satan has declared war on motherhood. He knows that those who rock the cradle can rock his earthly empire. And he knows that without righteous mothers loving and leading the next generation, the Kingdom of God will fail." - Sheri L. Dew


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